Our Programs and Services

Our Service Model
Our service model reflects the reciprocal relationship between our grassroots history, our community led programming and services, and our commitment to evidence based and informed practice.
Our Programs and Services

Community Safer Space and Violence Prevention Program
Our community safer space operates on a drop-in basis on weeknights to provide safe harbor for neighborhood youth and young adults to freely express themselves via dance and bolster community connectedness. In addition to providing a safer space at our center, we also actively intervene in violence within the community via our peer-to-peer violence prevention intervention program

Preventive Health and Wellness Program
Our preventive health program provides general preventive health services onsite regardless of ability to pay.

Sexual Health and Wellness Program
Our sexual health program provides culturally-specific individual and group-based sexual health education and empowerment, as well as rapid point-of-care and lab-based HIV and STI testing and counseling, linkage, and retention in prevention and treatment services via outreach and onsite.

Mental Health and Wellness Program
Our mental health program includes traditional, alternative, and restorative approaches, including 1) provision of counseling services via our onsite mobile van, 2) our Healing Arts program which utilizes multiple arts for healing, including paint, dance and yoga, and 3) our mental health first aid training for community members.

Basic Needs and Legal Services Program
Our basic needs and legal services program includes an onsite food pantry and clothing closet that provides basic food and clothing items to mitigate food insecurity and clothing needs, and a legal clinic which provides clients with legal representation, and record processing such as name change and expungement.

Professional Development Program
Our professional development program focuses on building employment readiness soft skills such as resume preparation, job search, and interviewing.

Advocacy and Organizing
In addition to providing social, health and wellness services to our community, we also actively engage and organize our stakeholders, including clients, public and private sector partners, and local representatives to advocate for policies that promote the dignity of our community members.